Victor Frankl on Youtube

78% of American youngsters express concerns of finding meaning and purpose in their lives.
The realistic view of man.
I believe that , today, many Americans find meaning in consumer choice ( and therefore they find meaning in work).
many Americans find meaning in family , friends , and environment.
Earned money and wages is a resources for consumer choice. and that makes money and work meaningful.
Want to donate to your favorite environmental or Human Cause ? If its not your own manpower , then its the money donated for others to do the work.

what if one has no or little money or wages?

 II The meaning in Pain
a man or me have the power to turn tragedy into human triumph.
the lessons of Auschwitz.

A man is never fully free of conditions.
Man has the freedom to react to a situations, even if only by attitude.

III The conditions of today.
These last three decades has given rise to the hacker. Engineers and freelancers who have built robots , and hackers who have seem to have only one motive. destruction of earth ! Acts of torture and cruelty are on the rise because of the ease of access. Major Cable monopolies run news networks of deliberate misinformation.
Too add to these man made conditions, the world finds itself trying to deal with a global biological threat COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Conditions of the days include a  disturbing man made will to manipulate and/or destroy humanbeings  and wildlife. the governments of the world have  now accepted a serial killer mentality as the norm of Engineering, especially in Artificial Intelligence and Communications.  Where does one find meaning in  a world with such poor leaders?

There is plenty of suffering today and in the future.

The previous mentioned  along with new Bio-threats are the conditions we live with.  Frankl believe that man generally looks for meaning in times of crisis.

Meaning can be constructive or destructive , especially with out any  Canon of  reward or consequence . To serve or to ask “what life ask of me ” poses , to me , an unsatisfying answer per se.   For me, Chris – ,   Buddhism   disposals of suffering , and the practical daily   meaning that William James  wrote of , are more satisfying . meaning is an attribute of practice , or abstention in the present condition – 
The AWARENESS and   cultivation of personal definitions  maybe what logotherapy is really about for  client. the methods are logic , scientific and/or  “dialog” based.

IV Further investigations 

feeling of useless and meaningless  can Intensify in  Crisis.  Reacting in ways that fullfill  “meaning ” , can  be both toxic or fullfilling.  Frankl  explores this with intent that a client finds fulfilling or satisfying  meaning .

The following youtube video explores the notions of  ” reality” or “truth  handled by the existentialist , phenomenologist  and scientist.


Victor Frankl and Meaning

What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for some goal worthy of him. What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost, but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him

Victor Frankl |pursuit of Happiness

Different from Gestalt Therapy , Buddhist practice . Victor Frankl stated that the struggle for meaning and goals were of higher priority than then the immediate response , emotional or action . Victor Frankl was a Nazi Holocaust survivor who treated other survivors as a neurologist and psychologist.

Quotes by Victor Frankl

  • Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.
  • An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal behavior.
  • If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering
  • Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.
  • Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her own life.
  • Success, like happiness, is the unexpected side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.
  • Being tolerant does not mean that I share another one’s belief. But it does mean that I acknowledge another one’s right to believe, and obey, his own conscience.
  • When a man cannot find meaning, he numbs himself with pleasure.
  • When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer… his unique opportunity lies in the way he bears his burden.
  • Even a genius cannot completely resist his Zeitgeist, the spirit of his time


Emotionally , Frankl places more value on suffering then pleasure , views emotional reactions as fleeting to situations . Therefore suffering is more important in “meaning” . For Krankl , motivation , responsibility ( explained otherwhere , and individual choice make up the greater part of meaning.

Contrast Victor Frankl with “ Cash Value of Meaning and Truth ” based on William James.

consider Value and Meaning building .

Logotherapy — the practice of Victor Frankl

Frankls’s logotherapy can be described in short here :
central properties:
individual : every person has a healthy “core “
social : a primal goal to enlighten others of internal resources
Being : Life offers purpose and meaning but does not promise fulfillment or happiness
Finding meaning : by doing , working , creating , producing, gathering , maintaining ,
by experiencing and encountering,
by dealing with suffering.
reality : that ” meaning” is “real ” by phenomenological action .
” meaning ” is more realized and less conceptual . (this strategy is called existential )

Client-therapist strategies include:
Dereflection – focus activities and goals outward and less on self absorption
Paradoxical intention – client practicing an anxious behavior for therapist-client analysis . ( this follows the humanist and existential therapist concept that people “cure” with grater self awareness , typical of gestalt therapy . )
Socratic dialogue – talk therapy. Frankl is an enfluence on more modern Cognitive Behavior Therapy . ( which usefulness includes conformance in technique for cost to client and training of professionals.)

trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen | Victor Frankl

Victor Frankl Authored books on therapy , life and holocaust survival.

IDK report on agnostics

To clearly understand my agnostic view point on death, one must understand that some questions and beliefs have different level of importances.
an example.

Many  Quantum Mathematicians have posed mathematical possibilities
of  parallel universes, universe with different rules than our universe, even a “multi-verse“.

There is little empirical proof in our living world or close proximities in the universe, that other universes truly exist…
…not enough to top all reasonable doubt.
Just the same, not enough empirical evidence to dismiss other universes outside our own.  So it remains a mathematical possibility.

with that said, I don’t know if  parallel universes or a multi-verse  exist.
Do I need to proclaim   one of the statements….

  • I  actively believe in a  multi-verse!
  • I actively do not believe in a muliti-verse!.

Well if my career was astrophysics whether I believe or not, maybe important.
For the curiosity’s sake,  the possibility is worth investigating.
However, in my   life, my world that I live in, my reality.. its not important or relevant as other belief statements…..

It is more important just to be able to say I don’t know“.

Same goes for other supernatural questions.. As an agnostic
I do not know if consciousness leaves to another supernatural place  after death. I do not know what happens after existence.
For me, it is not as important as questions pertaining to this life or existence.
Its ok to say I don’t know, whether I suspect one way or the other or neither way.
This is not a matter of belief/disbelief  that creates ambivalence in my  life, presently.

My pet cat passed away this week.
I am not concerned of beliefs of where his spirit or consciousness went after existence.
I am only concerned with remembering his existence…
he had a pretty good life.
he was a good friend.
I feel the loss.

Thats far more important and meaningful to me than metaphysical statements of beliefs or disbeliefs in an afterlife.

for these questions, and many others I answer
I don’t know…
and thats ok .
authors note: Tiger , the cat passed away along time ago this is a consolidated post

Truth happens to an idea. It becomes true, is made true by events. Its verity is in fact an event, a process: the process namely of its verifying itself, its veri-fication.

When  I read what William James published in “The Meaning of Truth”  I believed he was refering to the truth of ideas proposed by a single person or group of persons, a single consciousness or a collective of consciousness within their existence(s).   One  constantly tests  his/her stream of ideas within present environmental experiences and social experiences, and then with his/her memory of experiences… to judge a notion true or  not.
Navigating this uncertain world is certainly easier  by  taking an Agnostic position in regards to knowledge, and a willing to do the work of verifying ideas:  in participation and in experience.  But that’s just my opinion.  So  to start with an Agnostic attitude, what is “Agnosticism?”

Revised posted

Agnostic Conditions ” was originally posted on May 3, 2009

Agnostic – definition: not knowing or unknowing
What, then is the definition of Agnosticism?. If the definition of the root agnostic is “not knowing, or unknowing”, it is doubtful that one can define any full intellectual system of Agnosticism.–Much in the same manner one cannot with other “-isms” such as existentialism or postmodernism.
I was thinking about Jean-François Lyotard’s phrase: ” Postmodern Condition” , which is  a loose  bundle  of observations and criticisms about Modernism. (specifically: these postmodern conditions are conditions that expose Modern ideas of “progress, “Meta-Narratives”, “cause-effect”,”objectivity” of Modernity as fallacious. ).

“Knowledge in general cannot be reduced to science, nor even to learning. Learning is the set of statements which, to the exclusion of all other statements, denote or describe objects and may be declared true or false. Science is a subset of learning. It is also composed of denotative statements, but imposes two supplementary conditions on their acceptability: the objects to which they refer must be available for repeated access, in other words, they must be accessible in explicit conditions of observation; and it must be possible to decide whether or not a given statement pertains to the language judged relevant by the experts.”

Jean-François Lyotard reportedly changed his stance on the relationship of science , knowledge and the underlying importance. his point remains , science is tedious with relationships to available prior knowledge and objects to test.

Afterall , how can science universally consider , that what has never been experienced !
Where than , lies the importance of “knowing” , “science” or investigating in my day to day life. How taxing my time , energy and body is the need or importance to know about something

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

William James

A Report on Agnosticm

I wonder that if instead of an “Agnosticism”, there was  a set of Agnostic Conditions, that were a reaction to theories of knowledge.
So I came up with a few agnostic conditions of my own:


  • Our total knowledge of all details is limited.
  • Nothing is absolutely known. What is “known” is based upon acceptable supporting evidence and verification.
  • Knowledge is limited to the collective experience, communication means and data storage of a group or person.
  • Knowledge is inseparable from consciousness. (which includes, previous and current meanings, bias, and introjection, etc)


  • A definition of Objective Reality: “what is real is measurable” as defined by classical physics; accepted as universal.
  • A definition of Subjective Reality: what is experienced, and accept as real by a single consciousness. such as the cognation of an organism’s interactions.
  • A definition of Intersubjective Reality. the collected objects, events, structures, descriptions, meanings, principles, etc that are shared as “real” between  subjective consciousness* conscious beings (organisms)
  • A definition of Absolute Reality: the way things truly happen, whether comprehensible or not.


  • meaningful… description of information, that is:
    • that is formed out of background of discord
    • that is relative: relative  to a topic, study, paradigm, “game” , time-space location, happening, or world- view.
    • that is defined  in language, symbols or gesture, for clarification or communication
    • that is prioritized in importance – intellectually and emotionally.
    • that is  prioritized   compared to other meanings in the  context… social, personal, environmental contexts
  • meaninglessness:  information that is not meaningful and therefore  remains, or is relegated to the background.


Uncertainty. Image from

  • I  decide that “X” is true, false, or probable. I could be wrong.
  • I do not have to decide if “X” is true, false, or probable  with out the considering the  agnostic conditions   ( of Knowledge, Reality, Meaning).
  • Uncertainty is inherent in the nature of things,  actions and decisions.

I think that agnostic conditions are an important considerations when studying epistemology and knowledge theories, and when making decisions and actions. They are a criticism and completion of such. For me, this is a definition for agnosticism: a set of conditions.

As for the repetitive question is “Does God exist”?
Well, one ,must define what he means when he ask about  “God” or gods, because there have been many definitions over time ,cultures contexts and subjective view points. How important is to know if God or gods exists or not?  Is it as meaningful  a question as to ask  “is there intelligent  life on other planets?, or knowing what goes on in other people lives in other countries?     It might be.  It might not be.

I don’t know.

* edited for clarity and grammar  11-17-2014

Value & Meaning building

Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked.

__Viktor Emil Frankl

What is  “Meaning” ?
To me:  A personal  or subjective  experience in definition. for something to  be “Meaningful”  it must hold Value and– in my relationship with this something or someone, concept, goal, object, human or life-fom, I must “esteem” it to be more value in comparison to other somethings in a context, landscape or gestalt.


respect for or a high opinion of someone


 Admiration for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities.


the importance or worth of something for someone
how useful or important something is


  • meaningful… description of information, that is:
    • that is formed out of background of discord
    • that is relative: relative  to a topic, study, paradigm, “game” , time-space location, happening, or world- view.
    • that is defined  in language, symbols or gesture,
    • that is prioritized in importance – intellectually and emotionally.
  • meaninglessness:  information that is not meaningful and therefore  remains, or is relegated to the background.

—from  Agnostic Conditons : Pennsylvania Echoes

I have reworked a task/todo   sheet
Visible here:  Value Building Exercise Example Page .
to be a simple    exercise in thinking about Value  and then about Meaning.
the instructions are at the bottom of the page linked above.

Free as is now warranting  for Download:

valuing-building-exercise-pdf  PDF

valuing-building-exercise-odt -Editable ODT

Click on the links or picture Above for downloads.

Have a meaningful Day!


Metabolizing ~ k.i.s.s.

Keeping Me Healthy

The process involving a set of chemical reactions that modifies a molecule into another for storage, or for immediate use in another reaction or as a by product.

metabolism is used as a metaphor for psychological functioning. People grow through biting off an appropriate-sized piece (be this food or ideas or relationships), chewing it (considering), and discovering whether it is nourishing or toxic

As one discovers each moment that he experiences…
conscious gestalts(stimuli, senses far & close, emotional response  that together form temporal “phenomena”)  form out of the unconscious  background.
Assessing  these moments, is a matter of deciding what bits and pieces are “swallowed” (and nourishing) and what rejected
This happens at a metaphorical boundary between differences known as Contact“.  In this case Contact is between the subject -and- what-he-is-not,  at that moment.

Metabolism at contact boundary is holistic  body/mind/environment experiential adventure.

Keeping Me Healthy.








Beisser: Flying Without Wings

Arnold Biesser is the Author “Paradoxical Theory of change”
one of my favourite essays.

Briefly stated, it is this: that change occurs when one becomes what he is, not when he tries to become what he is not

Paradoxical Theory of Change on PDF

Earlier post on Paradoxical Theory of change.